vCloud Director upgrade from to
It’s a Multi-cell environment (2 cell) hence I am following Orchestrated method for ease of upgrade which is really easy instead of manual upgrade.
The current version noted before upgrade is
- Take Backup of vCD cells and its database
- Set up ssh private key login from the primary cell to all other cells in the vCloud Director instance for user vcloud
1. On the primary cell generate private/public key (with no passphrase):
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f $VCLOUD_HOME/etc/id_rsa
chown vcloud:vcloud $VCLOUD_HOME/etc/id_rsa
chmod 600 /opt/vmware/vcloud-director/etc/id_rsa
2. Copy public key to each additional cell in the instance to authorized_keys file. This can be done with one line command ran from the primary cell
cat $VCLOUD_HOME/etc/ | ssh root@<cell-IP> "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
3. Verify that login with private key works for each secondary cell in the environment
sudo -u vcloud ssh -i $VCLOUD_HOME/etc/id_rsa root@<cell IP/FQDN>
Orchestrated Upgrade
Upload vCloud Director binary to the primary cell and make it executable
chmod u+x vmware-vcloud-director-distribution-8.20.0-5070903.bin
Execute the file with --private-key-path option pointing to the private key.
./vmware-vcloud-director-distribution-8.20.0-5070903.bin --private-key-path $VCLOUD_HOME/etc/id_rsaWorkflow
This is the workflow that is automatically executed:
- Quiesce, shutdown and upgrade of the primary cell. Does not start the cell.
- If maintenance cell was specified, it is put into maintenance mode.
- Quiescing and shut down of all the other cells.
- Upgrade of the vCloud Database (a prompt for backup)
- Upgrade and start of all other cells (except the maintenance cell)
- If maintenance cell was specified, it is upgraded and started.
- Start of the primary cell
The vCD is upgraded to and is verified from vCD portal.
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